Wednesday, April 6, 2011

An Intelligent Christian.. NO F@#$in' WAY!

I suppose that this is a weird topic to come back blogging about after so long a break, but its what came to my attention when I decided to return. I have currently been working through a site titled the Skeptical Christian which has been created by a person of the Christian faith who...well just read his statement," The notion that Christianity is based on a “leap of faith” rather than an intellectual commitment of mind and soul to God is widespread in today’s culture. At The Skeptical Christian, this mistake is addressed head on. Christianity is *not* a worldview for the weak-minded and it is *not* based on a blind leap of faith.

The Skeptical Christian was designed with discussion in mind. Any article on this site can be commented on, and any suggestions, critiques, or alternative perspectives on any of the writings are welcomed and encouraged."

Pretty solid right? Whatever anyone's belief is, I always find it degrading (no offense, but usually by people who are "open minded") to myself and others far more brilliant then me (C.S. Lewis, Chesterton, William Lane Craig, etc.) to thrust Christianity as a world view into that of the nonsensical only to be humored by the weak minded (aka blathering ignorant white trash red necked Republicans (I would like to state I am NOT a Republican thank you but they're hardly ultimate evil in any case)) or the desperate (aka they are too sheep minded to figure out what to do with their lives so they subscribe to religiousity). I have met people who believe this. I have heard people talk who believe this is true (Bill Maher is one of those people. I think he's pretty darn funny and has insightful views on our government but I am a bit confused as to why he loathes Christianity so much.) In any case, you can hardly go to this site and leave without at least acknowledging that thought DOES go into Christians and their own attempts at understanding, reconciling their beliefs with real world facts (aka philosophy, science, you get the picture).

Point is, you may not agree with what is on the site (debates, arguments, reviews of both Atheist and Christian literature, etc.), but you have to be real prejudiced to allocate the arguments and positions to unthinking sheep mentality, or even "absolutely unreasonable arguments". Although, you would have to look at the site yourself, but it is easy to see he is an intelligent man.

In any case, it is unreasonable that Christians are viewed with contempt because they are idiots or misguided or haven't done enough research into their religious text or science or philosophy. Let me tell those who care that yes, there has been thought put into our belief and while people are at different levels of knowledge and understanding, there are real, reasonable, logical, fact based arguments in support of our belief. At least look into them before you start mocking the belief.

P.S. By the way...since when did being a Christian make you a Republican and vice versa. If you read the first four gospels of the New Testament, you will see that Jesus obeyed the government in place but wasn't overtly concerned with it. Matthew 22. In fact, Jesus life and teaching moved beyond mere politics. He was a complete radical. That our culture has associated the religion with the party is quite sad. A Christian would be labeled as such if they are following or earnestly trying (we all make mistakes and have different weaknesses) to follow the actions of Jesus. Nothing else. If a person's life does not look like that and said person claims such a title, he lies not just to the other person the claim is made too, but himself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, feeling very passionate about this, are we? But I can understand the frustration. It can make you think bad thoughts about people! But remember, would JESUS have bad thoughts about them? I don't think soooo.

    Just wanted to be the annoying girl.
