Thursday, January 27, 2011


Just a short story I wrote quickly. Inspired by my political science class...
The Board of Directors wanted to speak to him again, but they were a bunch of juvenile asswipes and he didn’t want to go to the meeting. Not when his wife had just declared she was a lesbian and was going to suck his account dry and run off to live with her faggot of a partner. But that’s what a guy got if he didn’t get a prenup signed. If he had been who he was today he would have made that lesbo propose to him; and that wasn’t meant in the ‘when I got into big business I became an asshole’ sense. It was because she was untalented and unintelligent compared to him. Of course he had known that she was going to spend his money even as he made it, but at the time it had seemed...charming in a way. “Oh what the hell....,” CEO Kail Gordon muttered. His phone was going off. Couldn’t they let a guy have a peaceful lunchbreak for once? Flipping the Blackberry open he said, “Gordon here. What do you want?”

“Look Gordon, it’s nothing personal allright? Revenues are down and they’re down after we implemented some of your designs. It’s only natural that we stage a review, right?”

“Look Phil, you and the rest of those soul-sucking boys on the board are looking to get rid of me and don’t pretend you’re not.” Kail growled back. He took his container full of soggy inauthentic Chinese food and threw it away. He wiped his greasy hand on his Armani suit.

“Look here Kail, a lot people cautioned you about those plans. I cautioned you about them don’t--”

“Oh shut the fuck up Phil,” Kail nonchalantly said. He hung up. Purposefully walking across the street to the Target across from the shitty Chinese place, his fingers twitched itchily as he whistled. He wasn’t going to do it today. He was just going to look around a bit. Look and see how the middle class was living.

In the store, he walked down the main aisle and turned down a side one with a bunch of drugs in it. Cold. Allergies.Vitamin D and A and B and sleeping pills. Sleep pills. He stared vacantly at them for a moment when his phone went off again. The lesbo was calling him.

“What do you want Karin?”

“Look Kail, I don’t know why you think you’re in the right by leaving me with nothing but--”

“Shut up Karin. We’ll settle this in court okay?” His fingers were sweaty in his pocket so he took them out. He wiped the sweat on the Armani.

“I called because I just want to tell you that I’m taking Bobo.”

What!? What the hell’s MY dog!”

“We bought him together Kail, and guess who spends more time with him and feeds him and takes him for walks.”

“You bitch!” Kail swore and his fingers clenched tightly together.

“That dog deserves more love then you can give him Kail, and Laura and I will see that he gets it. It’s for his own good. I think it’s best if you leave this out of all the agreements and just give him to me. I would like him here by tonight if possible.”

“Karin...I am NOT giving you that dog!” His arm swung towards the pills and he plucked one of the bottles and held it in his iron grip.

“Kail...I’m letting you know this now because it’ll be better for you if you give me the dog. I want him Kail, and I’ll make you look like more of an ass then you already will if you don’t. So tonight then okay? Make sure you ring the doorbell twice.”

“Karin--listen for a second!”

“TONIGHT Kail! Got it?”

Kail shoved his hand in his pocket with the sleeping pills in it. Later, after he’d chucked his phone into a trashcan, he walked out of the store.

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